Initially the plan was to create an IPFS site/application that uses 3rd party dependencies. Specifically, I wanted to update the self hosted development environment created in a previous tutorial to use a code editor. I ended up making a tutorial that adds the ability to the environment to upload a directory hierarchy of files.
Both more and less. Less because the end result is only uploading files. But also more, since this is a requirement for adding 3rd-party dependencies and it can be used for other purposes too, like uploading media to an IPFS site someone is creating.
It changed a lot. A big factor driving the change was managing the complexity of the tutorial. I've created partial tutorials for adding 3rd-party dependencies, building 3rd-party dependencies in the command line using rollup, handling folders for drag-and-drop. I ended up removing most of this content.
It was an iterative process with lots of restarts and rethinks, but the final tutorial stands on it's own and should be easy to work through.
Some reflection on the process:
Uploading many files can take a long time and the current implementation of the folder upload doesn't provide any user feedback. It would also be useful adding the ability to organize files - eg. move, rename, delete, etc. If someone wanted to make a photobook website on IPFS using the development environment, they would sorely lack both an indication of how their upload is progressing and the ability to organize files after it's been uploaded.
One of the challenges with uploading a whole directory hierarchy using the js-ipfs-fetch handlers in Agregore Web is that you cannot upload multiple files to different directory paths at the same time. To work around this, files had to be uploaded in batches where all the files in a batch has the same base path.
Being able to merge two UnixFS directories using js-ipfs-fetch without needed to download the content first would make strategies like parallelizing the uploading of batches. I don't know if this is feasible, but currently it is hard to imagine uploading directories with many big files.
While this tutorial ended up being about something that should have been a small part of the initial idea, the final tutorial covers useful info and will be useful for more than simply adding a 3rd party JavaScript dependency to a site hosted on IPFS.