Retrospective: Drag and Drop to IPFS and Hypercore 🌐

Presenting Your App 🎉

Original Goal and Outcome 🎯

The primary goal was to create a straightforward drag-and-drop interface that allows users to easily upload files to the decentralized web, specifically to IPFS and Hypercore. The final product aligns closely with the original concept, maintaining its simplicity and user-friendly design.

Accomplishments and Evolution 📈

Challenges and Insights 💡

The Development Process 🛠️

Building the App 🏗️

Advice to My Past Self 🗣️

Future Prospects and Discussion 🚀

Potential Enhancements 🔧

Suggestions for Agregore and Underlying Protocols 📝

Conclusion 🌟

This project not only introduced me to the fundamentals of Agregore but also immersed me in the innovative realm of decentralized web technologies. The journey from conception to realization of this app has been both challenging and rewarding, offering valuable insights into the development process and the potential of decentralized web applications.